Are You Making the Most of Your Digital Content?

Are You Making the Most of Your Digital Content?

The digital world has made companies more accessible than ever before, and the ability to reach customers at any time of day or night, with campaigns and content that don’t cost as much as traditional marketing methods, has meant that having the right digital marketing strategy can make the difference between being seen, heard, and making sales – or not.

72% of those marketing online have described content creation as their most effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tactic, and with digital marketing costing around 62% less than traditional outbound marketing, it’s unsurprising that this tactic is being increasingly used.

However, having a digital content strategy is one thing – having an effective one is something else.

What is Digital Content?

Essentially anything you put out there on your social media, web pages, search engines, review sites, basically anything you put online is content – this might be text, images, video, audio, etc – what you create will depend on your company, what you’re doing, who you’re trying to reach, and what your end goals are.

There are two extremely important points to remember with your content:

  1. Once you put something online, it’s almost impossible to take it off again.
    There have been numerous instances where companies have posted on social media, instantly regretted it and removed the post – only to find that people, in those few seconds, have already screen-captured it and the offending material is being spread far and wide.
    ALWAYS think carefully before you post ANY content – be sure that it meets your own company standards, is relevant and will not harm your brand.

  2. If you think a piece of content is “good enough” – don’t post it.
    If you don’t have faith or belief in your content, or don’t feel excited by it, then why should your customers? Always think about your brand image, your vision and values, and what content your customers want to see – never settle for mediocrity.

Making Your Content Go Further

It’s important to recognise that people will come to your business through different platforms, or through different approaches – and many of these areas require their own specific plan and content strategy (for example: Instagram is largely visual, requiring images and video, where as Twitter is for short messages)


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